Is DIVORCE is Answer for all Questions..?

A2L - Addicted 2 Liffe
5 min readMay 7, 2021


Sometimes we need to take some ‘PAUSED’ in Life to take a massive decision in Life. Off course Finally, It’s Solely your decision If you think it’s beneficial for both of you, Then It’s beneficial. Either not.

1. Take it Sportingly –

It’s time to “chill,” in my opinion. The past is no longer relevant. It’s just passion and infatuation if you love with your heart. Love is a function of the brain, which is where the “principles” are located.

If she has no STDs or other sexually transmitted diseases, put her history behind you and focus on your relationship. Use the “heart” if the aforementioned are prevalent “to assist her in overcoming them. One individual “lies” to another “may be someone else’s reality.

“…unto you I have found myself,” is a mantra. So, tell me about yourself.

2. Speak with her heart –

I’m sure you knew her well because she’s your wife, and her “past” must have been extensively explored, just as yours must have been.

If some new information has recently come to light, speak with her and be honest about it; you have no choice; you are already married, and sinking the boat won’t help either of you unless you are planning a kamikaze attack. Dealing with things is part of being an adult, as I’m sure most people will agree, but it’s easier said than done.

In my limited experience, if you love her and care for her as a person, her background does not matter, because the most important thing to remember is that SHE CHOOSE YOU.

3. Now Speak with your heart –

Do you have feelings for her? If you think you love her, what happens if you don’t? This is fantastic. Why don’t you enquire as to why she lied? You may be surprised by the response. Maybe she was afraid of losing you. If she says the truth, you won’t look at her. She is the only one who can tell you why, whatever her reasons are. One thing that intrigues me is how you discovered she lied. And why do you have to consider her sexual history? Is she making a comparison between you and them? Or what exactly is it that you’re concerned about? You must, too, have a memory. Were you absolutely truthful as well? I’m going to be the “devil’s advocate” here.

4. Now It’s time for Combination of Heart & Brain

The “dealing” part should be left in the past. There’s a reason it’s called “past.” You’ve already got plenty to deal with for “today” and “tomorrow.” Often, bear in mind that “love holds no record of wrongs.” I’m hoping your “brain” will tell your “principles” that what is “wrong” for me could be “right” for someone else. It’s just that before she met you, she felt it was fine (perhaps). However, now that she has met you, she needs you to be with her all of the time, mentally, emotionally, and otherwise. I’m referring to the “grey areas,” not the “black and white.” Your “heart” will tell your “principles” and “brain” that you love your wife and that they must deal with it. Now I’m hoping that your “principles” and “brain” will work together and think about your “heart’s” happiness. Best wishes.

5. Is there any possibilities that your brain raised — cheating after marriage…?

When a partner cheats in a relationship, I believe there is no going back. What this really means is that the cheater has no love or affection for the person they cheated on. Why would you want to stay in a relationship or a marriage like that when you are just fooling yourself and living a lie? But I think a few couples will be able to overcome this, but they are few and far between. In some situations, it is easier for a guy to stay well because it is cheaper to stay in the relationship or marriage if he is the one who cheats, but my response to this is that he should have been taught of this before he went down the adultery lane.

When, in truth, he didn’t care, cheaters don’t care for anything but themselves. They cheat on their partners or wives, and if there are children involved, they cheat on the children. And then there’s my marriage vows. After all, why, oh why, would you want to stay in a relationship like that? Continue to lie for the sake of lying and remain in a partnership or marriage, allowing your partner to use you as a doormat and wipe their boots on you. You’d have to be better than that to please God. Unfortunately, if a woman cheats, she knows that even if it is discovered, she has the security of knowing that if things go wrong with the affair partner, she has the mug of a husband to fall back on, giving her the best of both worlds.

6. Implication of Divorce

And if she gets a divorce, she will always be in a win-win position because she will keep the house and children, as well as everything else the court awards her in a divorce, while the husband who was cheated on will get nothing or could end up on the street through no fault of his own. No second chances for cheaters for me. These shit stains never change; it’s all about them; it’s a case of me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me And don’t think for a second that they’ll alter. You will get all the regret that they were captured. Never believe for a second that they will give up. As soon as the dust settles, they will return to their cheating ways.

Off course Finally, It’s Solely your decision If you think it’s beneficial for both of you, Then It’s beneficial. Either not.



A2L - Addicted 2 Liffe

Engineer By Profession, Home Decor and Wood Working is a Hobby